About Dr. Andrew Iverson

Dr. Andrew Iverson graduated an honor student and ASB president from Yelm High School in Yelm, Washington. He attended the University of Washington and earned his Bachelor's degree in Physiological Psychology (how the brain "makes the body work") and Pre-Medicine. During college he was introduced to Naturopathic Medicine by his mentor where he spent from age 19 through 24 side by side with his teacher and learned biochemical testing, iridology, and clinical patient interaction. Dr. Iverson proceeded to acquire more education in the field of herbology as he received his Masters in Medical Botany from the School of Natural Healing in Provo, Utah. A final four years of doctoral education were attained in Portland, Oregon at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine where he received the title Naturopathic Physician. Dr. Iverson has been working in natural medicine since 1994 and has been practicing as a physician since 2003. More recently he has dedicated more time to teaching and writing. His first book, an introduction to natural medicine, Nature's Diet, was published in 2010. 

Dr. Iverson's medical interests and expertise are in the fields of nutritional medicine, biochemical and pH testing, and detoxification through fasting and botanical medicine. He has traveled extensively learning alternative medical practices in Australia, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America, India and Africa and applies them to his current practice in the United States. After graduating, Dr. Iverson continued his education through an internship residency at True North water-only fasting retreat in Napa Valley, California where he gained advanced knowledge of fasting and detoxification. His internship residency was completed in Honduras where he worked with the Catholic Medical Missionaries under Sister Maria Ceballos and saw upwards of seventy patients per day in economically disadvantaged areas suffering from a wide range of wasting and tropical diseases.

After work, he usually takes a walk with his dogs and then settles back in to write on his next book, editorial comments, or research the latest in natural therapies. Dr. Iverson is an avid reader and in his free time enjoys investigating the latest findings in the medical sciences . He also enjoys reading and learning about the mysteries of the human brain including the psychology of placebo effects and the impact of social interaction on human behavior. Enhancing his own spiritual development through reading, prayer, meditation and volunteering is a cornerstone in his life. He has great interest in primitive and indigenous cultures and when not in the clinic you'll find him traveling to other countries to learn about their traditional healing methods and native botanical formulas. Dr. Iverson also enjoys taking walks in the woods, riding bikes on sunny days, hunting, fishing, going to concerts, playing basketball, harvesting organic food from his family's garden and cooking incredible meals for friends and family out of his cookbook Nature's Diet.

Dr. Iverson is the founder and director of TACOMA HEALTH, a successful holistic health clinic in Tacoma, Washington. 
