Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spooked by debilitating fatigue, excruciating pain, relentless insomnia

Another patient returned to the clinic this week reporting huge improvements in their health! This patient had been dealing with debilitating fatigue, excruciating pain, and relentless insomnia for over 10 years. It had handicapped their life affecting their job, their family, and their zest for living. The patient had been to multiple different doctors including GI specialists, rheumatologists, and psychiatrists. They tried many different treatment options, but always with little change.

We put great focus on making sure to have regular meals with adequate protein to build the amino acid levels in the brain.  We put great emphasis on the power of the brain to affect physical symptoms - especially how former traumas can create pain reflexes between the brain and the body. 

Over the last several months we have seen this patient multiple times with positive improvements slowly but surely taking hold. Finally, today, the patient was all smiles. They had finally made it over the hump - they are reporting only mild levels of pain now. Energy is the best it has been in 10 years and they are finally sleeping with little interruption through the night.  They feel they finally have a new lease on life!

We commonly see patients who have been everywhere and tried everything and feel that getting well is completely hopeless. It is so rewarding to see the healing power of Nature in such cases as these. Call our office and get your signed copy of Nature's Diet to learn how to heal the body with nutrition.   

Be Well!


Friday, October 15, 2010

Silver melts in your mouth, not in your hands

Have you thought if your mouth could be causing you to have poor health? 

I saw an amazing change in a patient today.  They first came to see me for a deep fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, and insomnia.  On their physical exam I noticed that they had several teeth that contained old broken silver fillings and even some clear signs of decay.  I recommended them to see a health promoting dentist (a dentist that does not use mercury amalgam fillings) and have the offending teeth removed.  The patient came back to see me several weeks later and they said it was like “a whole new body!” 

Something so simple can have such a huge impact on how we feel!  Get your teeth checked out if you are having chronic health issues.  I have several good dentists in the area that I refer to.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

23 lbs lighter and 9" slimmer!

Today we saw an impressive change in one of our patients - in fact we had to do a double take to see if it was really the same person.  Already from their initial visit they are 23 pounds lighter and 9 inches slimmer around their waist!  Most impressive, they dropped their blood sugar from 213 down to 124 with only changes made in their food!  This person just prevented themselves from going on diabetic medication by changing their diet.  All they did was follow Nature’s Diet, as detailed in my newly released book.   Another fantastic illustration of the power of natural healing.  Be well!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Two Pregnancies in One Week!

Me? Blog? Finally, right? Personally, I have been resistent to using Facebook, blogging, Tweeting...what are those little logos I see on everyone's website???

Honestly I don't really understand Facebook so I don't even know how many "friends" I really have or how many former classmates have re-connected. Why? you might ask. The simple answer is = time. The responsibility of running a clinic is beyond words on any given day.  With the addition of writing my first book, Nature's Diet and currently recording the audio version and writing the cookbook as well as the companion cleansing book- Nature's Detox - I end up having very little time for myself.

However - here I am! Because I feel that this could be an excellent method in alerting people to the magic and miracles of natural medicine.  Every day I see amazing healing miracles in my clinic and I want to start sharing them so others may recognize that there is help for conditions that they may have thought hopeless.  Several times a week I will share a Healing Story so that you can follow me along this miraculous journey I see everyday in my clinic.

Now for my Natural Healing story of the day:

Today our office received excellent news- and it is the second time in one week!   This week we had two women that had been trying desperately to get pregnant finally conceive.  With the declining nutrients in our food and the rising chemicals in our environment fertility issues are on the rise.  In our clinic we commonly use natural medicine to improve the health of couples so they become more fertile.  We have even had women that thought they were beyond childbearing become pregnant once they improved their nutritional levels.  Don't under-estimate the "potency" of natural medicine! 

Be Well~