Monday, November 29, 2010

Weather getting under your SKIN? Dry? Itchy? Think ALLERGIES.

I often see children for any number of conditions but most commonly it is for allergies.  Allergic responses are not just from airborne allergies but can also be due to contact allergies to the skin as well as food allergies.  Common signs of hidden allergies include persistent ear, throat, or sinus infections, respiratory conditions, fatigue, mood disorders and hyperactivity, and commonly skin conditions. 

Skin symptoms can be some of the hardest to clear but most gratifying when they do.  When we first saw this particular youngster they had terrible rash called dermatitis (eczema) on the hands and legs and face.  The mother had tried the standard medical treatments with very little success.  Of course she was concerned about using these drugs on her child as well.

We tested the child for food allergies and removed those foods that were inhibiting the immune system.  We removed chemicals from the diet as well as chemicals in the soaps, detergents, and artificial fabrics.  We made sure the child was bathing in chlorine-free water.  We added in some vital nutrients and a topical ointment that was designed to heal the skin. 

Seeing the child today I was so impressed with the power of the Healing Force within each of us.  You wouldn’t believe that it was the same child’s skin -- it was that much improved!!  No more itching, cracking, painful rashes.  The mother couldn’t have been more pleased with the results.

Read all about how you can promote healing in your body in my book Nature’s Diet 
Or visit me at my clinic TRILIUM HEALTH and read about food allergies and the testing we do.
Be Well!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Forget your problems! Mother Nature will take care of them

I find it especially gratifying when a patient comes in for their follow-up and tells you,  “Even the symptoms that weren’t my main concern are better!”

This patient was originally coming in for low energy and low immunity resulting in persistent colds and an overall low level depression.  At the appointment we uncovered that the patient also had a nagging ringing in the ear as well as generalized joint pain, neither of which they were too concerned about.

Today the patient came in for a follow-up to their primary appointment and WOW what a difference!  Not only did their energy improve but so did their overall outlook on life!  They were also happy with the weight loss, which all came naturally!  When I asked about the ringing in the ears and the joint pain they exclaimed, “That’s right!  I did have that!  I was feeling so good that I forgot I even had those problems!”   

Now that is what I call pretty cool ---  Mother Nature knows best.   

You can see the dietary program that I put on this patient as it is outlined in my new book, “Nature’s Diet.” 

Contact our office or order it through our website for your signed copy!  

Or contact Trilium Health at (253) 752-7377

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So you think you've tried it all

If pain killers and migraine medication won’t help my migraines, then there is nothing that natural medicine can do for me, right? WRONG! Our clinic saw a patient this week who had been suffering from migraines since childhood. We boosted up the nutrients and water and prescribed a diet specific for the patient’s chemistry. After years of pain killers, 3 different types of prescription medications and countless doctors and other practitioners the migraines are gone using natural medicine!  

Visit me at my clinic Trilium Health

Purchase my new book Nature's Diet - get it before its released!